Find out how an attorney can impact your Social Security Disability claim

Find out how an attorney can impact your Social Security Disability claim

In December of 2012, a record number of people signed up for Social Security Disability benefits. More people are on disability benefits now than ever before and Investors Business Daily reports that a sluggish economy means many more will continue to apply for benefits.

Our Las Vegas Social Security Disability lawyer are concerned that the high number of applicants for benefits is likely to result in longer waits for people who are making a claim to obtain disability benefits. We urge everyone applying for benefits to ensure that his or her application is thoroughly and correctly completed in order to avoid increasing any delays even further, and we suggest that those applying for benefits consult with a professional in order to try to keep the process moving as quickly as possible.

Record Applications Can Lead to Longer Delays

There are many possible explanations for why more people than ever before are applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Investors Business Daily indicates that the problem stems from persistently high unemployment and slow economic recovery in the United States. When there are fewer jobs available for the population as a whole, the disabled – like everyone else – are going to have a more difficult time finding gainful employment. A disabled person who might have been able to do some type of job may now not be able to find any work and may be more inclined to apply for disability benefits.

Another possible reasons for an increase in disability benefits is, of course, the aging of the population and the fact that the baby boomers are getting older. It is natural that as a larger percentage of the population ages, there will be more people who have not yet reached retirement age but who are facing a disabling medical condition that makes work impossible.

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Outgoing commissioner weighs in on problems with the disability process

On February 14, My Fox Phoenix published excerpts from an interview with Michael J. Astrue, the outgoing Social Security Commissioner. Astrue had harsh words for politicians in Washington. However, he also answered some important questions about disability benefits available from the Social Security Administration.

Our Flagstaff AZ disability attorneys were not surprised to hear many of the comments that Astrue made about how and why it is difficult to successfully apply for disability benefits. However, we believe it is important that everyone considering a benefits claim review the answers provided by Astrue to shed some light into what they can expect as they make a claim to obtain disability compensation.

Applying For Disability a Tough Process, Commissioner Reports

The main focus of Astrue’s comments was to caution that the future of the entire Social Security program is in jeopardy due to upcoming budget shortfalls. Astrue indicated that politicians generally treat the program as a political issue and that no one actually has made any substantive changes that could ensure the future longevity of this important program.

However, Astrue also answered some specific questions about disability benefits. For example:

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Winter Sports Snowmobile Accidents Can lead to Injury, Death, Lawsuits

Snowmobile Accidents Lead to Injury, Death, Lawsuits

Maybe it’s because snowmobiles are also known as recreational vehicles. Whatever the reason, way too many snowmobile operators do not take their responsibilities seriously after they mount their sleds to go for a ride, leading very often to serious injuries, fatalities and accident lawsuits in Maine courts over their reckless behavior.

Experienced accident lawyers say they see many parallels between snowmobile accidents on the state’s 13,000 miles of signed trails and highway crashes involving automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and various other vehicles.

About the most common factors with all motor vehicle accident lawsuits is a driver’s unreasonable rate of speed. Just as with some motorcyclists, many Maine snowmobile drivers feel they have to feed their “need for speed” See : accident lawyer – the sense of the wind whipping over their bodies. However, the circumstances of riding a snowmobile – speeding along a slippery surface of snow or ice with limited braking ability – make it necessary to use extreme care. The failure to use common sense and exercise defensive driving skills can change a routine ride on the trails into a high-speed trip to a court date with a Maine snowmobile accident attorney.

Similarly, Maine snowmobile accident lawsuits often follow crashes involving a drunk driver whose wreckless behavior is the cause of life-changing injuries or fatalities. The blood-alcohol limit of a snowmobile driver, like other motorists, is .08. Within the carefree arena of snowmobiling, numerous people are members of clubs that organize group trips with rest stops at local bars. A drink or two at each stop impairs judgment and slows the reaction time of even experienced snowmobile operators. Operating in a group with riders who drink also poses dangers, including increasing the probability of crashing with another impaired driver and raising the chances of injuries as a result of being caught up in mimicking their high-speed, careless behavior.

One more danger cited by Maine accident lawyers is that consuming alcohol accelerates a lowering of body temperature. In addition to the frigid outdoor environment, the operator runs the possible risk of hypothermia, which also impairs a driver’s judgment.

Poor judgment extends beyond driving behavior, Maine snowmobile accident attorneys note. Every winter, lives are lost and snowmobile accident lawsuits are filed when operators foolishly ignore the perils associated with traveling across ice. The thickness and strength of ice may range widely on rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. Snow often creates a blanket that prevents the formation of thick, strong ice. Even a well-worn trail across water can give the false impression of safety if previous travelers have weakened the ice.

A Maine snowmobile accident lawyer knows that responsible operators can have the ability to protect themselves, their passengers and innocent bystanders by adhering to a few simple rules. Safety equipment, including a helmet with a visor or a set of protective goggles, as well as layers of water-repellent clothing, is necessary. So is carrying a first-aid kid which includes a flashlight, knife, compass, map and waterproof matches.

And don’t ever, Maine attorneys say, travel alone. There’s nothing more dangerous to the life and safety of a snowmobiler than being injured without fellow riders available to provide or seek medical assistance.

When someone has been injured or lost somebody as a result of snowmobile driver who ignores practical sense when operating a 500-pound machine, they ought to contact a Maine snowmobile accident lawyer who possesses expertise in protecting their legal rights and pursuing fair financial compensation.

Mike Slocumb Videos Car Accident Lawyers Working For Chicago, il, Washington Dc, Alabama and Atlanta

Injured in a crossing the street? Please call for a free consultation: 1-800-WIN-WIN-1 To learn more about pedestrian car accidents:

Car Accident Attorneys Chicago

Video Transcript:
If you who have been a pedestrian and you have been hit by a car, you understand that the injuries can be devastating. Typically if a pedestrian is involved in a vehicle accident they don’t walk away from the scene. If you or a loved one has been hit by a car call the Mike Slocumb Law Firm we’ll give you a free consultation and we’ll explain your rights as a pedestrian.

We had a case just this past year that we handled with a pedestrian who was walking in the roadway. He was hit by an SUV and the insurance company predictably said “well, your client was walking in the road so he can’t recover because he was at fault for the accident.” We disagreed, we filed a lawsuit against the driver, we took the case to a jury and we won the case.

Why did we win the case? We won the case because we proved that the driver that hit our client had over twenty seconds after she first saw him to apply the breaks and she never applied the breaks. So even though he was in the road, she had the last opportunity to avoid the accident and she took no evasive action. The Jury agreed with us, we won the case and our client received the compensation he needed for the injuries that devastated his life.

In a pedestrian case just because you may not have had the walk signal, just because you may have been in the roadway, doesn’t mean that a recovery cannot be made. If a driver of an automobile has the last chance to avoid a collision with you, they must avoid the collision and if they don’t avoid the collision, they are responsible for your injuries. Regardless of what you were doing.

Mike Slocumb

As New Oil Laborers Take Retiring Maritime Employees’ Jobs, Overseas Protection Fears Arise

A recent story on National Public Radio spotlighted the issue, saying that thousands of oil industry workers are nearing retirement age, leaving significant gaps in maritime worker ranks, both in terms of numbers and oil industry experience. The article identifies the origins of the situation as going back to the 1980s oil busts when crude prices dropped by more than half, forcing companies to let go of workers en masse. Many did not refill those positions as the industry regained momentum and now there is a chasm in the oil industry workforce as older maritime workers retire.

Houston Tx best injury lawyer in Houston TX Smith & Hassler,
Attorneys at Law, provides aggressive representation in the greater metropolitan Houston, Texas, area. Our firm focuses almost exclusively on personal injury cases. Big insurance companies don’t
intimidate us. Insurance defense attorneys understand that our personal injury lawyers mean business.

Maritime injury lawyers believe the issue of offshore platform worker safety should be top priority as the oil industry replenishes its ranks. Incoming oil rig workers need to take extreme caution and heed all offshore safety training in order to avoid suffering a maritime injury in an offshore rig accident.

Proper training for all maritime jobs involves industry specific safety procedures and equipment, in order to protect offshore and maritime workers from drilling accident injuries and production platform injuries.

Accident Attorney or lawyer Knoxville Tn : Accidental injuries Need Knowledgeable Advocacy in Tennessee

Experienced car accident injury lawyer in Knoxville Tennessee. Call (877) 496-6580 for the Law Offices of G. Turner Howard III.

Car Accident Lawyer Knoxville Tennessee

We offer the expertise and compassion that personal injury and car accident victims deserve. Call us for a free consultation if someone’s negligent actions or reckless driving resulted in any of the following car accident injuries to you or a loved one:

Hello my name is Turner Howard, I’m an attorney in Knoxville TN and I’d like to talk with you about three car crash cases in which we used out skill, power and resources to get each one of these clients large settlements for them.

And one of them involved a rear ender on the interstate. He was one of several people in a line of cars that was hit from the rear and pushed into the car in front of him. He didn’t have that major an injury, had no surgery, and yet we were able to settle a case for well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We had another case recently where a young family was traveling from Tennessee back from Louisiana where they were from and a farmer pulled out in front of them in rural Tennessee and they could not stop, the farmer failed to yield and these people struck the car. And as a result of that, four children in the car were seriously injured. The mother was killed and the driver was also injured, the father. The four children became our clients and though a long process of a great deal with working with the attorney’s involved though depositions and that type of thing, we got all four children, two of whom had serious surgeries, a very very large settlement, in this matter.

Then there’s another matter here recently, we just settled in the last week of a man who was pumping air in the tire of a car that was in a truck stop, in a perfectly legitimate place. A semi-trailer truck pulls up next to him, does not see him and runs over his leg, crushing his leg, and drives off. And of course this poor old man who is in a lot of pain did not get the license plate number or anything of that nature. He just remembers it was a certain make of truck and that was all.

Well, our staff went to work on finding out exactly who owned the truck, and when it was bought, and that type of thing though calling around, though the internet and though a great deal of research, and a great deal of work, found out who it was, we pinned them down. They finally had to admit they were the ones who ran over our poor client. And we just settled that case last week for a very very large sum of money.

Tennessee Personal Injury Attorney Serving:
Knoxville, Maryville, Crossville, Johnson City, Cleveland, Morristown, Farragut, Elizabethton, Athens, Sevierville

Dallas News 45 Earnhardt Jr. Highlights Risk of TBI in Dallas Car Accidents 537

The issue of traumatic brain injuries in auto accidents made national news after Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced he would sit out a pair of races after back-to-back concussions at crashes in Kansas and Talladega.

Our Lawyers understand such injuries are far from uncommon

“You know your body and how your mind works, and I knew something was just not quite right. I decided to just try to push through and work through it,” Earnardt Jr. said according to USAToday. Earnhardt Jr. was little more than a rookie, and driving just in front of his late father in the 2001 Daytona 500, when Dale Earnhardt Sr. was killed after slamming into the Turn 4 wall on the last lap. Cause of death was a basilar skull fracture, caused when his head, propelled by the velocity of the collision, snapped forward in the accident.

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NASCAR has since made many safety improvements, including a next-generation car that moves the driver toward the center, a head-and-neck restraint device and soft wall technology. However, the risk of concussions and other traumatic brain injuries has not abated.

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Halloween season is the deadliest spell for pedestrian accidents in Santa Ana and elsewhere in Southern California.

Halloween party months are the deadliest term with regard to pedestrian injuries in Southern Ca.

Halloween season is the deadliest time of the year for pedestrian accidents in Santa Ana and elsewhere in Southern California.

Injury attorneys in Rancho Santa Margarita and throughout Southern California understand that children are most at risk. In fact, children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian accident during Halloween than at any other time of the year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports more than 4,200 people were killed in pedestrian accidents in 2010 — another 70,000 were seriously injured. California pedestrian accidents claimed 599 lives that year. No other state reported more than 500 deaths.

These cases frequently result in very serious or fatal injury. Motorists are urged to use extra caution, particularly when traveling in residential neighborhoods after dark. Speeding is another risk factor — higher speed shortens the time you have to react and increases the force of collision.

Here are some LAPD Halloween Safety Tips:

-Trick-or-treat before dusk and never let a child go alone.
-Examine treats.
-Never invite children into your home or allow your child to enter a stranger’s home.
-Set a curfew and use proper supervision of children.
-An adult escort and flashlight should accompany small groups of children.
-Keep pets inside and away from children.
-Costumes should be easily visible.
-Comfortable shoes and costumes that don’t obstruct vision are critical.
-Children should always use sidewalks.
-Children should be taught to look in both directions and make eye contact with a driver before crossing the street.

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Adjusters can be end up being very intimidating, in fact, and try to “low-ball” injured employees, getting them to agree to a settlement that won’t cover all their occupational injury costs such as surgery, physical therapy, medication or ergonomic equipment that they need to fully heal.

Number of fatal workplace accidents decline in the United States

The government recently had some good news about on-the-job fatalities in the United States: Nationwide, the number of workplace deaths declined to the lowest level over the past two decades.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a preliminary total of 4,609 fatal work injuries were recorded nationally in 2011, which is a drop from the previous year, when there were 4,690 deadly work injuries. The decline in workplace fatalities has continued for the past 17 years, according to the Houston Chronicle, which reported on the fatal workplace accident statistics.
As Los Angeles workers compensation attorney, we know how devastating fatal workplace injuries can be on families. Our mission has been to help injured employees obtain the workers comp benefits they need after an on-the-job accident. We also assist families who have lost loved ones in workplace accidents.

In California, fatal workplace accidents unfortunately are not unusual and may require the help of an experienced workplace injury attorney in Los Angeles. California is ranked as one of the deadliest states in the nation when it comes to workplace injuries. California recorded 360 fatalities in 2011, second to Texas, which recorded 433 fatalities. California was one of the few states that saw the number of occupational fatalities rise, from 326 in 2010 to 360 a year later.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that transportation incidents accounted for more than 40 percent of all fatal work injuries in 2011 in the United States. In California, there were 118 fatal transportation incidents. Nationwide, 15 percent of all deadly workplace accidents involved contact with objects and equipment. Fifty workers died this way in California. The third most common fatal accident in the United States involved falls, which comprised 14 percent of fatal accidents in 2011. In California, 60 people died in 2011 from slips, trips or falls.

The report also noted that fatalities disproportionately involved men. And the most dangerous professions? That would be fishers and fishing workers, who experienced a fatality rate of 121.2 workers per 100,000 workers. By comparison, the average fatality rate for all jobs is 3.5 workers per 100,000 full-time workers. Logging workers had the second deadliest job, with a fatality rate of 102.4 per 100,000. Pilots and flight engineers have the third most dangerous job, with 57 fatalities per 100,000.
Out of the top 10 most dangerous jobs, truckers and traveling sales workers recorded the most fatalities in 2011. There were 795 deaths of workers in those occupations in 2011.

If you were injured on the job and need a workers comp attorney serving Santa Ana, Rancho Santa Margarita, Los Angeles and other communities throughout South California, contact California Law Associates. Call 714-542-3377 today for your free consultation. We can assist you if you were injured on the job or if you lost a loved one in a fatal workplace accident.

California Law Associates
3540 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 615
Los Angeles, CA 90010 22342
Los angeles workers comp lawyers

BVI currently controls internet sites just for prestigious legal entities through the entire united states

Big Voodoo handles web sites just for renowned legal entities through the entire united states law firm web sites

Online marketing, branding and web development company BIG VOODOO INTERACTIVE (BVI) has set up shop at 4 Open Square Way, Suite 410, in a move that will give the firm room to grow and flourish in a vibrant, central location.

BVI, which builds and manages websites for attorneys across the United States, is proud to be a part of the Open Square community of more than 50 businesses in the heart of Holyoke’s Innovation District. Open Square, the country’s largest zero net energy mixed use development, is an ideal fit for BVI, said James Fitzgerald, Director of Marketing for BVI.

With easy and quick access to I-91, the MassPike, routes 116 and 391, Open Square allows BVI to attract top notch employees from throughout the region.

“At the rate our company is growing, and given our need for specialized talent, it’s critical that we have a centrally located, creative space large enough to accommodate our current and future growth,” Fitzgerald said. “We’re able to pull talent from Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts.”

The office’s proximity to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Conn., will prove valuable in connecting with clients, as BVI has customers spread throughout the country, according to Fitzgerald.

BVI is occupying 3,500 square feet of office space on the fourth floor, making the firm one of the larger Open Square tenants. As a progressive, growing web development company, BVI’s workforce includes employees who work either completely or partly from home in addition to those who are based in Open Square.

“We’re cloud-based, digital and we encourage creativity and innovation among the staffers who work either in house or remotely,” Fitzgerald explained.

BVI is one of the leaders in the highly competitive field of legal website marketing and development. The staff includes experienced designers, programmers, writers, account managers, SEO strategists and social media specialists.

Previously based in Northampton, BVI opened its doors in 2008 as Intake Advantage. The company continues to expand and currently employs about a dozen individuals who are dedicated to creating cutting edge, top performing websites for lawyers.

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