Car Insurance Report Suggests Knoxville Among Nation’s Safest Cities : News 618


Each year for the past nine years, Allstate Insurance Company has released a report of the safest cities for drivers in America. Allstate Insurance provides auto insurance coverage for approximately 10 percent of drivers in the United States and its claims data is viewed as a representative sample of all accident claims in the country. Actuaries for Allstate have developed a formula to assess the accident rate relative to the population in major cities throughout the U.S. and to compare this rate to the national average. This formula is used to rank the 200 largest cities in terms of how safe they are for motorists.

This year, the news was good for Knoxville, which ranked among the safest cities for motorists. Unfortunately, however, Knoxville went down in the rankings as compared with its position on the list in 2012. While it is great that the city is one of the safest, its lower position on the list is less positive news. Our lawyers know there is always room for improvement to make the city safer for drivers, and Allstate has also provided some tips for drivers to help reduce the chances of accidents happening.

How Does Knoxville Compare in Terms of Safety
According to the 2013 Allstate America’s Best Drivers Report released in late August, the city of Knoxville Tennessee ranks number 12th out of 200 cities on the list of America’s best drivers.

Knoxville earned this ranking because the claims data shows that there are an average of 11.8 years between auto accidents in the city. This means that an accident is 15.1 percent less likely to occur in Knoxville as compared with the national average.  By contrast, the safest city in the U.S., Fort Collins, Colorado, has an average of 13.9 years between accidents while there are just 4.8 years between accidents in Washington, D.C. (the least safe city for motorists).

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Car Insurance

GranuFlo, Naturalyte Recall, Fresenius Dialysis Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Have you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or even death as a result of undergoing dialysis treatment at a Fresenius clinic and were administered GranuFlo or NaturaLyte? Lawsuits are underway nationwide.

GranuFlo, Naturalyte Recall, Fresenius Dialysis Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury Lawyers Dallas TX Videos

Have you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or a wrongful death as a result of undergoing dialysis treatment at a Fresenius clinic and were administered GranuFlo or Naturalyte? Call the Carse Law Firm 877-865-2580. If you or someone you know is on dialysis, you need to know the FDA recall GranuFlo and NaturaLyte products used at Fresenius clinics across the country. Major complications have been reported such as heart attack and even death.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a recall as a result of the leaked memo from Fresenius Medical Care to its own doctors. The November 2011 memo alerted medical directors and doctors about the alarming risk factor linked to use of GranuFlo and NaturaLyte. Fresenius, however, did not alert the thousands of doctors and dialysis centers outside of its own network. Those doctors continued to use the product. It’s shocking that Fresenius failed to warn all doctors using GranuFlo about the potentially lethal side effects.

Car accident injuries can be devastating, causing extreme pain, cognitive problems, paralysis and cause you to stop working due to the pain. From whiplash back and neck injuries to spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries/TBI, auto crash injuries can mean surgeries, physical rehabilitation, using a wheelchair, and even emotional therapy. You may have been in a devastating car accident and have severe injuries, with a long road of medical procedures and hospitalization ahead.

Auto accident injuries in Texas can be devastating and may include any of the following:Paralysis, Coma,Broken collar bone ,Fractured pelvis,Whiplash

Many employers don’t believe their employee were hurt after a work related car crash and refuse to pay for needed medical treatment, occupational rehabilitation or lost wages. They will dispute the injury claim and some even fire the injured employee in order to avoid paying when they should. There are several types of on-the-job injury situations and forms of legal recourse that we can pursue on your behalf. If you or a loved one was injured, you may be entitled to compensation. We understand that any type of personal injury can be devastating, but we can help protect your rights. We will help you seek damages for all your losses, such as wages and income, unreimbursed medical expenses, loss of companionship or consortium, and physical pain or suffering. Contact a personal injury attorney serving Dallas today to see how we can help. Contact the Carse Law Firm.

The Carse Law Firm provides experienced and reliable representation to Dallas and clients throughout Texas. Our Attorney
understand how complicated your life can become after any type of personal injury, from serious injuries due to third party negligence.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Young Drivers Pressured to Buy Cheaper & More Dangerous Cars By Auto Insurance Costs – News 511


Our Las Vegas car accident attorneys know that car insurers set premiums based on how likely it is that a driver will be involved in an auto accident. Since accident statistics show that younger drivers are more likely to be involved in a crash than older drivers, car insurance is more expensive for teen drivers than for their adult counterparts.

Unfortunately, the high cost of auto insurance for teen drivers puts young people in a tough spot. Many feel that they have to buy less expensive cars, in large part because of the high insurance costs on the vehicles. These cheaper cars are usually older and can sometimes be less safe than newer and better cars with improved safety and accident avoidance features.

Car Accident Risks Increased by Insurance Company Prices


The Mail Online recently addressed the problems faced by teen drivers resulting from costly auto insurance. A new survey conducted by Alfa Romeo and Marmalade (a car insurer) revealed that around half of all new young drivers felt forced to buy a less advanced and less expensive car because of their auto insurance costs.

Auto insurance is very expensive for young drivers, with the Mail reporting that the average insurance premium is at an all-time high for women between the ages of 17 and 20. While premiums have fallen somewhat in Europe for young men due to the EU gender ruling mandating that gender cannot be taken into account when pricing insurance, young men in the United States usually pay more than young women for car insurance because they are considered to be riskier drivers.


Auto Insurance Costs

Children are Hurt Playing Sports Activities Every 25 Seconds – Blog 642


Early this August, CBS News reported on a disturbing study that strikes fear through the hearts of parents everywhere. The study showed that youth sports can cause extremely serious injury and that severe sports injuries are very common among kids.

Our lawyers know that coaches, schools and professional clubs and organizations need to make sure that kids play safely when they participate in sports. It can be easy for coaches to get carried away with the game, but they need to remember that kids are just kids and that they need to be properly supervised and avoid high-risk situations that could result in serious injury.

Sports Can Create High Risks for Kids

The new study was conducted by Safe Kids Worldwide and demonstrated just how common sporting injuries are for children. According to the study:

  • Approximately 1.35 million emergency room visits each year occur as a result of severe sports injuries.
  • The most common reason for emergency room visits related to sports were strains and sprains. These injuries were followed by bruises, fractures and scrapes.
  • Severe sports injuries account for approximately 20 percent of all injury-related visits to the emergency room that are made by children and adolescents.
  • A child gets hurt while playing sports an average of once every 25 seconds in the United States.
  • A total of 163,000 of the emergency room visits occur each year because of concussions. This means that 12 percent of the total sports-related visits to the emergency room resulted from head injuries. It also means that a child gets a concussion about once every three minutes.

These injuries can have serious lifelong consequences. Concussions, especially, can have a dramatic and lasting impact on a child’s life.  Traumatic brain injury has been linked to health issues such as dementia and new studies have also suggested that a blow to the head could increase the risk of ischemic stroke.

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Child Sports Injury

SAN ANTONIO Texas Breaking513


Cassandra Rivera, center, relaxes with her mother and brother on Nov. 19 in San Antonio, Texas, one day after being released from prison.

Other moments have been more bittersweet. Ramirez said her mother told her about her dad’s final moments three years ago when he died at age 84. Ramirez had been on the phone with him from prison, and told him she and the others wouldn’t give up their bid for exoneration.

“My mom told me that a tear came out of his eye, and I said, ‘I love you, daddy’ and he took his last breath,” she said. “I do want to go see his grave and I want to just tell him, ‘Daddy we didn’t give up and that we’re all home.'”

Personal injury lawyer san antonio

What sent the women to prison – Ramirez received a 37.5-year sentence and the others each got 15 years – were allegations of abuse leveled by Ramirez’s two young nieces, then 7 and 9 years old. The girls accused the four friends of sexually assaulting them twice in late July 1994 while they were visiting Ramirez at her apartment.

The women’s lawyer, Michael Ware, said the trial transcripts showed inconsistencies in the testimony given by the girls. But the crucial witness was a doctor who testified that the older girl’s hymen bore a scar that could only have come from abuse around the time of the alleged attacks, Ware said.

“He didn’t know how to be around me or even know what to say. It was kind of hard,” she said. “But it’s okay, kind of take it one step at a time.”

The women started to make progress getting their story heard in 2008 when a Canadian fish biologist took interest in their case. He then convinced the National Center for Reason and Justice, a watchdog group dedicated to identifying false allegations of harm to children, to get involved. Next was the Innocence Project of Texas and Ware, a former member of the Conviction Integrity Unit in Dallas.

About two years ago, the alleged younger victim, Stephanie Martinez, 26, began to question if the attacks really happened. She eventually recanted her story to the media.

Martinez said she came to realize: “My aunt never hurt us. She was a mom to us,” she said late Monday as she waited in her car for the group to emerge from jail. “It didn’t happen.” She recalled that week in 1994 with her “Tia Lisa” and her three friends: Liz making her and her sister a great breakfast, going swimming and playing with neighbor kids.

Martinez said she would help however she could with the group’s bid to get a full exoneration and hopes she can still have a relationship with her aunt. “If she would want to have one with me after everything,” she said. “I want her to be a part of my children’s life just how she was a part of mine.”

Martinez’s older sister maintains the attack still happened. The four women said they don’t blame the girls and applauded Martinez for coming forward.

“I believe it was a brave thing for her to do. I’m very, very proud of her,” Rivera said.

Ramirez said she would accept her niece with open arms, “because that’s what love does. It’s unconditional.”

The women, who couldn’t have contact with each other in prison, enjoyed re-connecting since their release. They considered themselves family nearly 20 years ago – and that hasn’t changed.

“The comfort was still there,” Rivera said. “It’s falling right back into place, because we’re family.”

The next part of their journey will be pursuit of “actual innocence,” which is possible under Texas state law, though Ware said winning such a declaration was extremely rare. But the women said there is no stopping them.

“We want actual innocence because that’s what we are,” said Mayhugh, who spent nearly 14 years in prison. “We’re actually innocent.”

Speeding Accident leads to Fatality in Las Vegas – News 153


According to 8 News Now, a North Las Vegas accident occurred recently that resulted in the death of a female driver involved in the crash. The accident was a single-vehicle crash that happened on Lake Mead Boulevard and Simmons Street.  The news report on the crash indicated that it was believed the woman was traveling at a high rate of speed at the time of the collision. 


Unfortunately, driving too quickly is among the most common and most dangerous driving behavior and can significantly increase the chances of a fatal car accident occurring. When a vehicle collides at high speed, there will be a greater force of impact from the collision, which can result in much more serious injuries. This is true for all individuals involved in high-speed accidents, including innocent victims who were not speeding and who are struck by a high-speed vehicle. In these tragic situations, contacting a lawyer in Las Vegas, NV can be advisable for victims so they can understand their rights.

Speeding Can Cause Fatal Wrecks

As 8 News Now reported, the Las Vegas woman killed in the recent wreck on Lake Mead Boulevard was believed by police to have lost control of her vehicle because she was driving her Nissan at too high of a speed.  When she lost control of the car, she hit a wall and was ejected from the car. Unfortunately, she died at the scene.

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Speeding Accident

What Happens If I Hit Someone in a Car Car and I Don’t Have Enough Insurance? – Blog 753


If you cause an auto accident, you could face both criminal and civil actions. A civil action is a lawsuit brought by an injured victim or by surviving family members of a victim killed in the crash to recover monetary compensation.

Injured victims can incur significant medical expenses in an accident. The Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association reported in 2008 that AAA estimates a traffic death has a per-person cost of $3.2 million while injured victims had a per-person cost of $68,170.

At the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone, our Massachusetts uninsured accident lawyers serving Boston, Springfield, Worcester and all of the Bay State know if you have only the minimum Massachusetts required coverage of $20,000 per person bodily injury and $40,000 per accident liability coverage, you could end up faced with significant personal liability because this is not enough insurance to compensation those badly injured when you cause an accident.

You Are At Risk With Not Enough Insurance

Your insurance company has an obligation to represent you when you are sued after an accident and to try to settle the case or resolve the claim within the limits of policy coverage.

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UnderInsured Motorist

Bus rear ends car on Almeda Genoa TX


Several people were injured in a four vehicle accident that involved a METRO bus. Around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon a METRO bus rear-ended a black colored car on Almeda Genoa, pushing the car into two other vehicles. The car’s driver and two passengers were transported by ambulance. The commentary to Channel 2’s story on the accident makes for some interesting reading.

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Bus Accident

You Should Form an S-Corporation to Save on Income Taxes

Should You Form an S-Corporation to Save on Income Taxes?


If you are operating a business, Tummel & Casso should be consulted to help determine the right structure for your entity.  While some operate as sole proprietors and the business thus has no separate legal identity, many entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals can benefit greatly from forming an S-corporation. business-growth-3-1426748-m

An S-corporation allows for small business owners to achieve certain protections from liability and can limit personal responsibility for business debts. Since the business is a separate legal entity, the business is distinct from the individual who owns it.  An S-corporation can also help a small business owner to achieve tax savings.

Is Forming an S-Corporation the Right Step to Take?

S-corporations, unlike C-corporations, allow for pass-through taxation. This means that income and losses from the S-corporation can be claimed on the individual business owner’s tax returns.  An S-corporation thus allows for business owners to avoid the potential double taxation that can go along with forming a C-corp (since the business pays taxes on a C-corp’s profits, and the owners also pay taxes when dividends are issued).

Although income and losses pass through to individual business owners, an s-corporation can still allow for significant tax savings by reducing the amount an individual owner is required to pay in payroll taxes.   Payroll taxes include payments to Medicare and payments to Social Security.  The self-employed pay out 15 percent in payroll taxes since no portion of their taxes are covered by a separate employer as they are for those who earn traditional W-2 wages.

When you form an s-corporation, however, you can pay yourself a salary that is equal to just a portion of the money the S-corporation makes. You can use the remainder of the money to pay out to yourself in periodic distributions.   This allows you to avoid paying payroll taxes on a portion of the money earned that is distributed in distributions.


Tummel & Casso

Personal injury lawyers

A Knowledgeable Attorney – probate attorneys Austin tx

Our firm provides comprehensive legal services related to probate, including the distribution of assets, payment of estate debts, tax issues, dispute resolution, notice to creditors, and filing of required documents with the court. The law firm can also help you with any disputes that arise during the process or, separately, represent persons who think they have a claim for a portion of the probate estate.

With years of combined experience and knowledge, our attorneys thoroughly understand state and federal laws. We use this information to custom design the best possible representation for each client. Our tailor-made approach means we will not treat you like a number.

At our firm, our estate planning attorneys have years of experience working with families throughout Texas. We’re conveniently located in three of Texas’ largest cities including Austin Texas, to best serve the public.

Probate court picture Austin tx.

Too often, many people don’t consider guardianship-related issues until it’s too late. Don’t be caught off guard. Contact the Bertolino Law Firm and discover what we can do for you. Do you need an expert probate lawyers Austin tx? Our law firm has three conveniently located offices including Austin Texas.

Estate planning can encompass a wide range of legal documents and issues. Comprehensive estate planning incorporates both end-of-life planning and medical planning for unexpected accidents or medical incapacity. Handling such legal issues on your own can be overwhelming. We can help you and your loved one create an estate plan that addresses your financial and legal needs.

Some of the estate-planning tools offered by Bertolino LLP include:

  • Family limited partnerships
  • Marital property agreements or postnuptial agreements
  • Wills
  • Living wills
  • Living trusts
  • Powers of attorney: medical/durable/do not resuscitate (DNR)
  • Life insurance trusts

At the Bertolino Law Firm, experienced attorneys routinely work with families throughout Texas who are grappling with such legal issues. We help families create wills and interpret wills in Texas. This process can be complicated. A will that is not written or interpreted correctly could be challenged in a court of law. For a compassionate and reliable attorney who handles a variety of estate planning needs, contact Bertolino LLP. We can help make sure your documents are precisely written and understood in the event of a legal challenge.

When you contact us, one of our knowledgeable attorneys will meet with you and discuss your probate concerns. We offer honest answers and straightforward advice. No two cases are alike. Each one is unique. As your lawyer, we will help you decide the best course of action.

Creating a Trust

When creating a trust or handling the terms of a trust, it’s critical you have someone who thoroughly understands Texas’ legal system . Otherwise, the legality of the trust could be challenged in court. That’s why you need someone familiar with trusts and estate planning on your side – someone who can carefully review critical documents and make sure they conform to all state and federal regulations. You need someone you can trust to look out for your family’s or business’ best interests. You need an experienced Law Firm.

We want what’s best for you. This process begins by listening to you and learning about the details of your case. We want to understand your needs and expectations. That way, we can help you
deal with all your legal concerns so you can get on with living your life.

At the Bertolino Law Firm, our skilled, detail-oriented guardianship attorneys work with families throughout Texas to make sure such documents can withstand serious legal challenges in court. We work tirelessly so that our clients’ needs are addressed.

Make sure your rights are protected. Call 512-476-5757 and schedule an appointment at our Austin office. Discover what a professional attorney at our firm can do for you.

probate lawyer Austin TX