Do I need a Georgia Lawyer – Social Security Disability Benefits

Good morning!

My law firm handles social security disability claims and Jason Mosteller is the attorney that manages that department for me.

Do I need a Georgia Attorney – Social Security Disability Benefits

As a result of an injury a few years ago, I had to undergo a surgery.
The doctor fused a couple of my vertebrae in my lower back.
Now the pain has become unbearable and I can no longer work.
I’ve applied for social security disability and was just denied.
Do I need a lawyer?”

Our Videos

Gary: Well let’s talk about the process. I know the social security administration has a 5 step process they follow to determine if a person is disabled and eligible for disability benefits.
I’d like for us to go over the 5 steps now for our viewers.

Jason: They will look to see if you engaged in “Substantial Gainful Activity” – which means did you work and earn more than $1,040.00 per month in 2013, then you are not eligible to receive social security disability payments.
Gary: Step # 2:

Jason: The applicant’s condition must interfere with the person’s ability to do their job for it to be considered “severe”. The condition must prevent you from working for at least 12 months. If it is, then we go to the next step.

Let’s talk about the list for adults.
The list is broken down into 14 categories by body system.
These include musculoskeletal, your senses – including speech, respiratory, and cardiovascular.
If the applicant’s condition is not listed, then the department will determine whether or not the condition is equal to one of those disabling conditions on their list.

Is the applicant able to perform the same work they did in their past?
Tell us about this step.
Jason: If the claims examiner at the social security administration believes that the applicant is able to do the same kind of work they have done in the past, then they will deny their claim for benefits.

Is the applicant able to do any other work?
So if you can’t do the same kind of work you did in your past, the examiner wants to find out if you can do any kind of work? Explain that for us.
Jason: The claims examiner will look at your application. They review your medical condition, your age, what job skills you may have, and your educational background. Then they look to see if they believe you are capable of doing other types of work in the economy. If so, they will deny your claim.
Gary: Assume someone gets through this 5 step process. what are the chances the person will be approved for social security disability on their initial application?
Jason: Very poor. Between 1999 and 2009, on average only 28% of social security disability claims were approved on the initial application.
Gary: What happens if your case falls in the 72% category – where your initial application is denied by the social security administration?

Gary: When should a person get an attorney involved in the social security process?

But please – make sure you speak with an attorney that is a specialist in this area of the social security law.
You have absolutely nothing to lose by calling a lawyer, but think of all you can lose if you don’t!

Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our intake specialists are standing by right now to speak with you.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

Social Security Attorneys

Do I Need a Lawyer – What Damages Can I Recover in Georgia

I’m Gary Martin Hays. If you have a question you would like for me to answer on “Do I Need A Lawyer”, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim…

And here is one easy thing you can do right now.

Now let’s go to a question from one of our viewers:

I was hurt in a car wreck last week. I was at a complete stop at a red light. The other driver said she turned to give a pacifier to her baby in the back seat and she did not realize the light had turned red. You guessed it – she ran into the rear of my car. I was driving a 2013 Honda Accord and it had to be towed. The repairs are going to be about $3,000.00. I was just shaken up at the scene of the wreck and did not want to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. However, when my husband came to pick me up, I was hurting. He took me to the emergency room. The doctor has now referred me to an orthopedist.

Maddie, thanks for the email.

Do I Need a Lawyer – What Damages Can I Recover in Georgia

Let me start with one part of your question first:
You wrote – “I’m hoping you will take the time to answer my question.”

We offer a free, confidential consultation with no obligation. If we can’t help you, we will often have recommendations for someone that may be able to offer assistance to you.

Our Video Channel
But we answer every question and I thank you for yours!
Your first question: “Who will pay my doctor bills?”

It is sometimes listed as MPC.
If you have it, your insurance company will pay for reasonable and necessary medical expenses up to the limits of the policy – regardless of who is at fault.

A medical lien is essentially an agreement between the person that is hurt and the doctor. If and when the personal injury claim settles, the attorney agrees to pay the doctor’s medical bills out of the settlement.

And here’s one thing I’d like to stress to our viewers. If you have been injured in a car wreck, it is important that you get prompt medical care for your injuries. This should be done regardless of whether or not you plan on presenting any kind of claim against the at fault party’s insurance company. You had your health before the wreck and you need to get that back as best you can.
Now your second question:

However, there is another claim we would pursue on your behalf. This is a claim for the diminished value of your vehicle.
If you are involved in a car wreck, your car will suffer property damage.

Think of it this way.

One has never been wrecked, and one has been wrecked and repaired.
Most people would never buy the car that has been repaired.
You don’t want to buy someone else’s problem.

Diminished value is what the market says your vehicle lost in value because of the wreck and repairs.
I have an entire chapter dedicated to diminished value in my #1 best selling book, The Authority on Personal Injury Claims in Georgia.
You can pick up a copy at
All of my clients get a copy of this book free of charge.

That money could be used to take care of your future medical needs or to help you catch up on your bills.

The trauma of being in a car wreck is frightening enough.
But now you are faced with a lot more . . .

* How do you get medical treatment for your injuries if you don’t have health insurance?
* You are worried because the paychecks have stopped coming in, but the bills haven’t.

Where do you turn?
What do you do next?

Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.
And I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.
You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.

And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”

Car Accident Law Video

Do I Need an Attorney – Motorcycle Crash

Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for joining us!

If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

Do I Need a Georgia Attorney – Motorcycle Accidents

That way help is right there on your phone when you need us.
Our staff of legal professionals are standing by right now to take your information.


Our Firm
I was riding on my motorcycle on Pleasant Hill Road. It was about 2:00 p.m. – early afternoon. The roads were dry. The weather was sunny and there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a great day for me to be riding my Harley. This elderly woman pulls out of a fast food restaurant’s parking lot. She was trying to turn left and pulled out in front of me. She didn’t even look – or wasn’t paying attention when she pulled out. I couldn’t swerve to avoid hitting her. I laid down the bike as best I could but still crashed into the rear driver’s side of her car.
Do I need a lawyer? And can you help me???” -Glenn in Norcross.
Glenn – thanks for the question.
I am so sorry to hear about your wreck – and to answer your questions – yes and yes!

And I’ll answer this in a little more detail in a moment.
But let me give our viewers some alarming statistics from government studies about motorcycle accidents:
* In 2010, 4,502 people were killed in the United States in accidents involving motorcycles.
* Over 80 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents resulted in injury or death to the motorcyclist.

The at fault driver was attempting to turn left out of the fast food restaurant driveway when she pulled out in front of you.

So let’s look at how we can prevent these wrecks from ever happening in two ways:

(2) Follow the speed limit!

Speed kills.
Obeying the speed limit will not only help you keep better control of your motorcycle, it may also give you a little more time to react if a car or truck comes into your lane or pulls out in front of you.

In fact, a motorcyclist not wearing a helmet is 40% more likely to die of a head injury than one who wears a helmet.

It is also a good idea to wear protective eye wear.
(4) Keep your headlight on at all times.

Colors that stand out – like yellow, orange, or bright red jackets will help you be seen by others.

Now here are a couple of helpful hints for all of us:
(1) Look Twice, Save A Life!

No Texting and no trying to dial the phone.

Through no fault of your own, you have no idea what YOUR rights are, nor do you know the insurance company’s responsibilities.
And the insurance company is not in the business of telling you everything that they should be doing for you.

You really have to ask yourself – Do you want to take on the insurance company and THEIR lawyers by yourself?
Let me show you just how much of a difference hiring a lawyer can make on your case.
A consumer panel survey of auto accident victims by the Insurance Research Council showed the following:
* Injured victims receive an average of 40% more money just by consulting a lawyer to learn their rights!

But this next stat tells the real story . . .
* Injured victims receive an average of 3 and ? times more money when they hire an attorney to defend their rights!
3 and ? times more money.
Let’s put that in real dollars.

That money could be used to take care of your future medical needs or to help you catch up on your bills.
Please – you owe it to yourself to call a lawyer to discuss the facts of your specific claim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a wreck, I encourage you to talk with a lawyer.
Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our legal professionals are standing by right now to speak with you.

I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.
You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”

Personal Injury Law

Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Atlanta Georgia Attorneys

Let’s go to our next question:

Workers’ Compensation – Employee V. Independent Contractor – Georgia Lawyers

“Hi Gary. Love your show and thanks for taking my question. He spent the night in the hospital due to his injuries. My dad asked me “Do I Need A Lawyer?” I told him “yes.” What do you think?”

You are correct! I would highly recommend that you have your dad contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, not ALL of them perform that way ALL of the time.

So getting back to your question:

Let me give you an example:

Federal regulations only require the truck driver’s to keep these logs for six months unless an attorney takes action to secure them.
So if we are hired, we immediately send the trucking company and their insurance company a letter telling them they can’t destroy the driver’s logs as this is important evidence for our client’s claim.
Now let me give you some other factors we investigate when taking on the trucking companies.
We look to see how well the tractor and the trailer are maintained.
Federal law requires these companies to keep their equipment in proper working order AND to keep records regarding this maintenance.
When these trucks and the trailers they pull are properly maintained, it helps prevent brake failures and tire blowouts.
Keep in mind: in order to drive these big trucks, the drivers must have a commercial driver’s license.
Plus these trucking companies must use strict standards when they hire these truck drivers.

Now I am a big advocate of defensive driving, so let me give you some tips to try and prevent injuries on the highway and avoid these accidents altogether.
(1) Drive with caution around trucks on the road.
Remember they cannot stop on a dime so don’t pull in front of one and assume they can safely stop in time.
(2) Stay visible to the truck driver.
If you can’t see the driver’s mirrors, chances are he can’t see you.
(3) Pay attention to the trucks turn signals and don’t travel for long periods of time next to a tractor trailer.

Call a lawyer. If not us, please call a lawyer that has experience handling tractor trailer claims. It is a BAD idea to try and take on the trucking company, their insurance company, and their lawyers by yourself.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.
And I encourage you – if you don’t call us, please call someone to help you with your claim.

So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”. We’ll be right back.

Workers Compensation Lawyer

Orlando, Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Who Puts Your Needs First

Three motorcyclists were injured in an Orlando, Florida crash in April. The accident occurred when an SUV changed into the right lane and veered into the path of one of the motorcycle riders. The motorcyclist steered onto the shoulder of the road to avoid the SUV and then hit a construction trailer on the road shoulder. Two other motorcyclists had to drop their motorcycles in order to avoid striking the first victim.

Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are common in Orlando and throughout the United States. While the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reported that the number of motorcyclist deaths appears to have declined slightly in 2013, evidence indicates that this decline was caused by bad weather and not better safety. Overall, the number of motorcycle deaths has been rapidly increasing and the decline in 2013 was only the second time since 1997 that the number of fatalities has gone down.

Orlando, Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Who Understands

“Victims of motorcycle wrecks should consult with an Orlando, Florida personal injury lawyer for help after their collision. Motorcyclists may be entitled to compensation if a driver’s carelessness or negligence was the cause of the accident and injuries.”

Victims of motorcycle crashes should consult with an Orlando personal injury lawyer for help after their collision. Motorcyclists may be entitled to compensation if a driver’s carelessness or negligence was the cause of the accident and injuries.

Preventing Motorcycle Crashes

In Florida, there was a seven percent decline in motorcyclist deaths in 2013, mirroring the national decline. In the first six months of 2012, 222 Floridians died in motorcycle collisions. In the same time period in 2013, just 207 motorcyclists died. In the first nine months of 2012, there were 326 deaths while the death toll was down to 303 in 2013.

According to Forbes, the reason for the nationwide decline in motorcycle deaths was because 2013 was a colder and wetter year throughout the United States than 2012 was. This resulted in fewer riders being on the roads.

Planning for bad weather is a terrible way to try to bring down the rate of fatal motorcycle collisions. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has provided some tips that can actually improve safety conditions. The tips were published in the start of May, because May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The NHTSA advises drivers to:

– Signal every time the driver merges or changes lanes.
motorcyclists are advised to:
– Avoid driving while impaired or distracted.

While some people make the smart choice of either shutting off their cellphones or keeping their devices out of reach, many people just can’t resist reading an incoming message or sending a quick text. When they engage in this type of careless behavior, they are putting themselves and everyone else sharing the road at risk of serious injury or worse.

Studies find that people who text generally take their eyes off the road for about 5 seconds. If you’re driving a car at 55 mph, you’re essentially driving the length of a football field blindfolded. Most people who spend any amount of time on the road might notice someone who is swerving from lane to lane. A decade ago you might have thought that the driver was drunk. Nowadays, it’s more likely that the person is distracted by a cellphone.

Apps such as the one detailed in Local 6 may help people who are habitual offenders when it comes to texting and driving. Parents also may want to consider making such cellphone apps a requirement for their teenage drivers. According to Local 6, parents can set up the app with a password so their teenagers won’t be able to shut it off.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Atlanta Car Accident Attorneys and Measuring Loss

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and as part of a collaborative effort, the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, the Georgia Department of Highway Safety have teamed up to educate young drivers of the potential dangers.

Do I Need an Attorney

Distracted driving car accident lawyers in Atlanta believe this is an excellent time of year to drive home the point, given that graduation and summer break are right around the corner. Youtube

Study finds 1 in every 4 accidents involves cell phone use

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, accidents involving distractions account for nearly half of all roadway fatalities, or about 5,000 annually. Distractions can also be blamed on approximately 450,000 injuries each year.

A recent report from the National Safety Council indicates that 1 of every 4 wrecks can be attributed to cell phone use.

This kind of faulty thinking is perpetuated by the fact that while all states have some form of text messaging ban, none ban talking on a phone for all drivers. What’s more, none forbid hands-free cell phone devices, despite the fact that research has proven they are equally as dangerous as handheld devices.

Measuring the Scale of Loss

The $871 billion in losses that the NHTSA calculated included $277 billion in actual economic expenditures like medical treatment. These costs average out to around $900 per U.S. citizen. The total also included $594 billion in harm resulting from the loss of life, the decreased quality of life from those seriously injured, and the pain that the injured endure.

There are three specific types of collisions that are responsible for the majority of these costs and losses: drunk driving accidents, speeding accidents and collisions caused by distracted drivers.

Crashes caused by drunk drivers accounted for a total of 18 percent of all of the economic losses and 23 percent of the overall societal harm that resulted from motor vehicle collisions in 2010. In total, there were $49 billion in economic losses and another $199 billion in losses to society that occurred because of drivers who were impaired by alcohol. The economic losses alone averaged out to $158 for every single person in the country.

Crashes caused by speeding drivers accounted for 21 percent of all of the economic losses and 24 percent of the overall societal harm that occurred due to motor vehicle accidents in 2010. In total, the economic losses from speeding drivers equaled $59 billion or an average of $191 per person in the United States. The costs of overall societal harm from speeding drivers totaled around $210 billion.

Finally, crashes caused by distracted drivers accounted for 17 percent of total economic loss and 15 percent of overall societal harm. The economic losses totaled $46 billion and the societal losses totaled $129 billion. Again, just the economic costs averaged out to around $148 for every single individual in the United States.

Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C

Greater Atlanta Office

Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
3098 Breckinridge Blvd.
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Phone: 770-934-8000
Fax: 770-934-1631

If you have been injured you can contact an Atlanta Lawyer today!

Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

A head-on accident can be devastating

If you’re hurt in an accident, don’t expect the insurance company to look after your interests. “I called the law office of Dan Davis.” “I got more, way more then I thought I’d get. Three times more.” “They fixed my car and got me a rental. And they got the insurance company to pay for it.” The Law office of Dan Davis. You’re entitled to justice. A fast fair cash settlement so that you get everything you’re owed and not a penny less. Call on the hurtline, the law office of Dan Davis, right now.

Oklahomans hurt in a rear-end accident can turn to us

An auto accident can happen in an instant – don’t wait another moment to find aggressive and experienced legal representation in Oklahoma car accident cases. Call the Dan Davis Law Firm at 1-800-HURTLINE right away.
How does a rear-end accident happen? The factors in rear-end collisions can vary widely from case to case. What is common among them, however, is that the operator of the vehicle that strikes the car in front is almost always at fault in the rear-end crash. Another common element is the injury they cause. Whiplash injury is one of the most frequent auto accident injury reported. Rear-end accidents are frequently the cause.

Personal Injury Lawyer Oklahoma City | Accident Attorneys in Oklahoma

If you’re hurt in an accident, don’t expect the insurance company to look after your interests. “I called the law office of Dan Davis.” “I got more, way more then I thought I’d get. Three times more.” “They fixed my car and got me a rental. And they got the insurance company to pay for it.” The Law office of Dan Davis. You’re entitled to justice. A fast fair cash settlement so that you get everything you’re owed and not a penny less. Call on the hurtline, the law office of Dan Davis, right now.

In the event of a passenger vehicle causing a rear end accident with a motorcycle, the rider and passenger may experience serious injury, including fractures and broken bones. Similarly grave injuries may occur if a semi truck strikes a smaller vehicle from the rear.

Hit-and-run injury victims: We know how to fight for your rights

Many times, a hit-and-run accident is the result of a drunk driver striking another car and fleeing to avoid having a blood alcohol test administered. Another reason drivers flee a hit-and-run accident scene is when they fear that a wrongful death has occurred as a result (this may be the case in a bicycle accident or pedestrian accident). At the Dan Davis Law Firm, we will fight to see that a hit-and-run driver is held accountable for all harmful and negligent behavior.

A head-on accident can be devastating

A head-on accident often leads to cases of serious injury or a wrongful death accident fatality due to the combined force of each vehicle’s weight and momentum. Also, both vehicles in a head-on crash experience impact in an area where there is always at least one person (the driver) rather than unoccupied seats.

Head-on accidents often occur on un-divided highways, where the highway speeds reduce the amount of time drivers have to react and avoid the collision. Drunk driving or driver fatigue often leads to a vehicle straying from its lane into on-coming traffic. Cases involving larger commercial vehicles may leave no room on the road for the other driver to avoid a head-on accident.

Car Accident Lawyer Video

Oklahomans trying to find SSD added benefits can turn to us

Oklahomans looking for SSD positive aspects can switch to us

When you were being wounded or turned disabled and may no more perform, you may be qualified for Social Stability Disability or Supplemental Stability Money benefits. In many scenarios, it is smart to retain an Oklahoma Town disability lawyer which has a thorough idea of the technique, mainly because obtaining added benefits is usually tricky.

We provide SSD benefits claimants in Oklahoma

Your application for Social Security Disability has been delayed or denied. Don’t play games with the government. Your time is running out. Get your life back on track. Speak with a disability attorney that can cut though the governments red tape fast. The call is free and they don’t get paid until you recieve your benefits. Call on the hurtline the Law Office of Dan Davis right now.

Making use of for SSD or SSI added benefits can set your daily life back again on course

Calling a lawyer correct now can help you make a new commence, no matter whether looking for benefits to the initial time or attractive a denied claim. The Dan Davis Legislation Company has practical experience serving to individuals unable to receive a residing get the rewards to which these are entitled.
This short clarification of benefits may allow you to superior understand that is qualified for SSD or SSI. You could possibly be entitled to receive total or partial shell out, reimbursement for health-related costs, or payments to get an incapacity resulting from the work-related harm. Be sure to call the Dan Davis Regulation Firm for more certain responses in the case.

We provide SSD benefits claimants in Oklahoma

Contacting us appropriate now may help you make a new begin, whether trying to find positive aspects for that 1st time or captivating a denied declare. The Dan Davis Law Company has working experience aiding these not able to receive a residing obtain the gains to which they can be entitled.
Our experience and nationwide studies exhibit us that claimants that are not represented at their listening to in advance of the executive regulation choose (ALJ) are denied 2 times as typically as people who are represented. Before it can be necessary to interact while in the appeal/hearing procedure, get seasoned counsel to prevent frequent software faults when submitting for SSD positive aspects.

We all know tips on how to fight for that rights of these denied advantages

Calling 1-800-HURTLINE proper now may help you make a new begin, regardless of whether in search of rewards for the initial time or captivating a denied claim. The Dan Davis Legislation Company has experience serving to those people not able to get paid a dwelling receive the positive aspects to which these are entitled.
Nationally, about two-thirds of all Social Safety Incapacity candidates are denied added benefits on their own original assert. We understand how annoying this may be. If this happens to you personally, never quit. You may call an experienced attorney for enable in requesting an enchantment, often known as “reconsideration.” It really is imperative that you effectively file the suitable files in the 60-day window just after obtaining a Denial Detect.

Social Security Disability Lawyer

Do I Need a Law Firm – Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

What are the things YOU must prove in your personal injury claim?
Good morning!
Welcome to “Do I Need A Lawyer?”
Thanks for joining us!
I’m Gary Martin Hays.
If you have a question you would like for me to answer, or if you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim, please pick up the phone and give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.

The call is completely confidential, there is no obligation, and the consultation is free.
Now let’s go to the next question from one of our viewers.

Jeff – thanks for the question though I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s injuries and the wreck.
There are a few important things we have to prove in these personal injury claims:
* Someone was negligent in causing the wreck (besides our client);
* This person’s negligence was the proximate cause of our client’s injuries;
* We have to prove the damages our client sustained in the wreck.
This may sound somewhat complicated so let me break down each of these elements for you:

Do I Need a Lawyer – Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Georgia

She was severely dehydrated and her sheets and undergarments were soiled. I could tell they had not been changed in some time. She also had developed a bad ulcer in the lower part of her back because they were not turning her in the bed. I got her cleaned up and arranged for her to be moved to a facility near my home in Johns Creek.

We have to prove that someone (besides yourself) was at fault for causing the wreck.
The injured party has the burden of proof in showing that the Defendant driver was negligent in causing the wreck.
For example:
When the defendant rear-ends your car because they did not maintain a safe following distance or they failed to keep a proper lookout of the road ahead, they were negligent.
When the defendant rear-ends your car because he did not get his brakes repaired, even though he knew they were not working properly, he is negligent.
Other examples could include:
Following too closely

Speeding or traveling too fast for conditions
Driving under the influence of alcohol or some illegal drug
Failure to yield while turning left
Driver fatigue because they drove their tractor trailer more than Federal law allows
Proximate Cause:
Once we prove the other driver was negligent, then we must show that this negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries.
Here is an example:
You are at a complete stop at a red light. The Defendant is not paying attention to the road ahead and crashes into the rear of your car. Your head hits the steering wheel causing a huge cut on your chin and you chip a couple of your teeth. The Defendant’s negligence was the proximate cause of the wreck and your injuries.
You have a green light allowing you to proceed straight through the intersection. The Defendant is traveling in the opposite direction.
He does not see you and he attempts to turn left in front of your car and crashes into your vehicle. You sustain a broken arm and leg in the crash. His failure to yield while turning left is the proximate cause of the collision and your injuries.
(3) Damages:

Damages could include compensation for:
Medical bills, including:
-emergency room physician
-medical doctors and specialists

Lost wages:

Lost wages can be very problematic, however, if someone misses time from work but is paid “under the table” and there is no record on the books. It gets even messier when there is no mention of this work on the tax returns.
Transportation costs

This is clearly money that is coming out of your pocket that you would not have lost if the car wreck never happened.
You should be compensated for this loss.
Gas is expensive.
Parking in some of the private lots can also add up.
Keep track of your round trip mileage to these appointments and save those parking receipts!
FUTURE medical expenses
No one has a crystal ball to tell you everything the future is going to hold for you medically. However, doctors can sometimes tell us to a reasonable degree of medical certainty what they anticipate you will incur should you eventually need a surgery or have to undergo some additional tests.
The key component to making a claim for these future medical expenses is to get a doctor’s narrative addressing the medical needs, why they are necessary, how they were caused by the wreck, and the costs of the procedure(s).
FUTURE lost wages:

The future lost earnings cannot be speculative and you must have documentation to substantiate your claims.

Punitive damages:

Sometimes the defendant’s conduct in causing the wreck or his actions immediately after the wreck are so egregious that the law allows us to seek additional damages known as punitive damages.
The purpose of punitive damages is to punish, penalize, or deter the Defendant from repeating the conduct.
For example, punitive damages can be sought in wrecks where:

There is a legal presumption under Georgia law that a person is driving under the influence if their blood alcohol level is above .08.
General damages are designed to compensate an injured victim for losses such as pain and suffering, emotional suffering, hardship, or inconvenience.
General damages are hard to quantify for everyone and are highly subjective, so the law instructs the judge or jury to assign these damages on an individual basis.

There is an old saying that “[T]he easiest pain to bear is someone else’s.”
There is a lot of truth to that statement.
It is a challenge to get a jury to understand the degree of pain and suffering someone experiences because of a wreck.
This is clearly one of those areas where an experienced personal injury attorney can help argue the specifics of your case to the insurance adjuster.
Now – if you have questions about a potential claim, please give us a call.

Just pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (770) 934-8000.
Our intake specialists are standing by right now to speak with you.
The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.
It is loaded with information about personal injury claims and you can learn a lot more about me and my law firm.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”
We’ll be right back.

Nursing Home Injury Law

TMB Texas Physician License Defense – Austin Texas Attorneys

Don’t Jeopardize Your Career. Contact a TX Professional License Defense Lawyer

You earned a professional license in Texas. You may have undergone years of training, but now your future is in jeopardy. When someone files a formal complaint that could threaten your license and your career, you need to need to take strong, immediate legal action. Don’t simply assume the complaint will go away because you believe it does not have any merit. You need to take such complaints seriously right from the start. You need an experienced, knowledgeable professional license defense lawyer on your side, fighting for your rights. You need the Bertolino Law Firm.

Serving licensed professionals throughout Texas, the top-rated Bertolino Law Firm has a well-deserved reputation for helping people get their lives back on track. If someone has filed a complaint against you or your business, we can work with you to build a strong case and do everything we can to get such complaints dismissed.

TMB Texas Physician License Defense – Austin Texas Attorneys

One of the areas of law that our law firm handles and an area that a lot of our attorneys have extensive experience in physician licensing defense. What physician licensing defense is, is an area involving the representation and defense of medical doctors.

Serving medical professionals in Austin, Houston and San Antonio, Texas

Medical professionals dedicate years of their lives training to be doctors, surgeons, nurses and other highly skilled workers. They then often spend many more years building a solid reputation for being exceptional at their job. But sometimes a complaint is filed, which can tarnish a medical professional’s reputation. The complaint may be baseless, or there may be extenuating circumstances. Whatever the reason is behind a complaint, it’s a critical moment in your professional life and you will need to take immediate action.

If someone has lodged a formal complaint against you and your license, your professional reputation and good name are on the line. Don’t underestimate the seriousness of such complaints, no matter how unfounded they might seem. You need to take any formal complaint seriously right from the start. Your professional medical license could be at risk of being suspended or revoked. Don’t take chances. Contact us. The Bertolino Law Firm – Medical Board Defense Lawyer TX.

License Defense Lawyer