Breaking NewsThe Herrera Law Firm Inc ask drivers to watch out for motorcycles

The San Antonio personal injury lawyer at The Herrera Law Firm, Inc. urge drivers to keep an eye on motorcyclists, who are vulnerable to serious injuries in wrecks.

The Texas Department of Transportation reports that 87 percent of motorcycle accidents result in injuries or death to the rider. People on motorcycles are five times more likely to sustain injuries and 25 times more likely to die in a wreck than people in cars, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (more…)

Just Looking for Legal Advice In North Carolina 27621

The N.C. Bar Association held its fifth annual 4ALL Statewide Service Day in March, and more than 460 attorneys from across the state worked together to field 8,648 calls over a 12-hour period. Each year, lawyers participating in the event generously volunteer their time to discuss a wide variety of legal issues with callers, providing general advice and guidance where possible.

The 4ALL Statewide Service Day aims to help those who would otherwise not seek legal advice, and to make them aware of the resources available to them to get the help they may need. This worthy program serves a real need, as many people just need a little guidance to point them in the right direction.

But sometimes, more than advice is needed. Those who have suffered a personal injury as a result of an accident or negligence may need experienced legal representation to fight for compensation that is provided under the law. See :
car accident attorney Sanford, NC

When we speak with potential clients at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, sometimes we find that they are not seeking representation, but rather just want a little advice. However, after our attorneys have had a chance to talk with them about the particular aspects of their case and their rights under the law, we’ve found that by the end of the call, many are eager to be represented.

Before they call us, most clients have already discussed their claim with the insurance adjuster for the at-fault party in their accident, and they often believe their case to be a simple, straightforward matter that can be settled directly. When they call us to discuss their lingering concerns and receive their initial consultation with one of our attorneys, many of these people come to understand how complicated the process of seeking compensation for their injuries can become and how important it is to have a personal injury attorney working on their behalf. Insurance companies are working for their own interests – and they have teams of lawyers fighting to reduce or eliminate what they have to pay accident victims for their injuries. See Full Story

North Carolina On The Job Accident Displays Need to Protect Your Workers Compensation Rights 04-2012

Last week, a truck driver who was walking on a highway entrance ramp while on the job was hit by another driver and was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

The truck driver, an Apex man, was delivering a replacement cab to a transport truck that had broken down near the Jones Sausage Road interchange with I-40. As he was trying to cross the highway, the driver of a Mitsubishi struck him. See :

Contact James Farrin Law For Workers Comp Claims

At the end of the day, the truck driver was still listed in critical condition.
No charges were filed against the driver of the Mitsubishi.

Experienced Legal Representation

Accidents such as these that occur on the job can lead to serious or even fatal injuries. Workers who are involved in these accidents may be entitled to compensation under the law for their injuries and other losses – even if no charges were filed in the case.

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LawWireNews Think motorcycle riders are to blame for their accidents

By LawWireNews Social media For Lawyers
Imagine that you’re riding your motorcycle and approaching an intersection. You see a car heading toward your from the opposite direction. Suddenly, the driver turns left and into your right-of-way. You apply the brakes and put the bike down. The car drives off and you are seriously injured through no fault of your own.

It sounds like a clear case of negligence, with the driver of the passenger vehicle being at fault. The insurance company, however, may take a different approach to the motorcycle accident. An adjuster may try to argue that you were somehow at fault. See Motorcycle Accident Attorney Hartford Ct

It’s a common misconception that most motorcycle accidents are due to aggressive riding by the motorcyclist. The unfair stereotype people have of motorcycle riders is that they are reckless speed demons. The insurance companies are aware of this misconception and will try to use it against the rider who is filing a claim.

Hartford motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone & Morelli in Connecticut have experience representing clients injured in motorcycle wrecks. In many cases, the motorcycle collision occurred because the car driver or truck driver did not see the motorcycle. Sometimes a small motorcycle is hidden in a blind spot as it approaches a larger vehicle. At night, a motorcycle may be harder to see than a passenger vehicle. It’s crucial that drivers carefully check their blind spots or survey the intersection before turning onto a road or merging.

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Harrisburg PA Fatal auto accidents involving teens raise questions about state laws

The National Safety Council, a leader in promoting Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) to reduce the number of crashes among teens, feels that it is important to regulate risky driving behavior and encourage the development of safe driving skills. In an aim to reduce the number of teen auto accidents, the NSC urges all states to adopt seven rules for teenage drivers:

– minimum age 16 for a learner’s permit

– six months before unsupervised driving

– minimum 30 hours supervised driving during learner’s stage

– intermediate licensing at 16? minimum

– intermediate night driving restriction beginning no later than 10 p.m.

– no more than one non-family passenger for intermediate drivers

– minimum age 17 for a full license.

If all states adopted these suggested rules, an estimated 2,000 lives could be saved each year nationwide. According to the National Safety Council, states with stronger, comprehensive Graduated Driver Licensing systems see a higher reduction in teen crashes.

In an effort to enhance safety on Pennsylvania roads, Governor Corbett and the Legislature recently agreed on changes to the Vehicle Code involving Graduated Driver Licensing requirements, passenger restrictions for junior drivers and passenger restraint laws. The new rules took effect on Dec. 27, 2011. The changes to the law were initiated to help junior drivers receive more comprehensive training, ease young driver distractions through limiting the number of passengers they may carry and to improve general highway safety.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an car accident, contact Metzger Wickersham. One of our Harrisburg car accident attorneys can answer your questions and take every step to ensure that your rights are protected

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Bikers are 300 percent more likely to sustain a motorcycle injury – California Injury Lawyers

Drivers and passengers in cars have safety features in place such as airbags and seatbelts to protect them. Bikers typically have nothing but their clothing and a helmet between them and the pavement. Bikers are 300 percent more likely to sustain a motorcycle injury than someone inside of a car in a crash, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Motorcycle injuries can be catastrophic, ranging from back injuries to paralysis or traumatic brain injuries.

Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to shift blame to the motorcycle rider, even when a driver is clearly at fault. In many cases, we hear about drivers who fail to “see” the motorcyclist. Motorcycles have a right to share the road with other vehicles. See Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Santa Rosa Failing to see the biker is simply negligence. The driver needs to be held responsible. At the Law Offices of Freeman & Freeman, we’re dedicated to our clients and pursuing the maximum compensation allowed under state law.

Attorney News What You Should Know About Collision Coverage in North Carolina

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from clients is regarding how they should handle damage to their vehicle when they have been involved in a car accident. Typically, the at-fault insurance company should accept responsibility for paying for repairs for your vehicle or for paying the fair-market value of your car if it was totaled. See : Durham lawyers There are times, however, when the at-fault insurance company does not accept liability, leaving you to wonder how your vehicle will be repaired or replaced.

Collision coverage offers you a way to protect your vehicle when the at-fault insurance company has not accepted liability. While there are certain exclusions from coverage, collision insurance usually provides that when your vehicle is involved in an accident, your insurance company will pay the lesser of actual cash value of the damaged property or the amount necessary to repair or replace the property. The actual cash value of the vehicle is not the amount it would cost to replace it, but rather the car’s value after taking into consideration the depreciation and physical condition of the car at the time of the accident. Any payment made by your insurance company will be reduced by any deductible on the policy.

In the event that the damage to your vehicle was caused by the wrongful act of another person, your insurance company may be subrogated to the claim for relief against that at-fault party. Simply put, this means that your insurance company who paid for the property damage may be reimbursed by the at-fault insurance company to the extent of its payment to you for your vehicle. Likewise, you may also be reimbursed by the at-fault party for any deductible you paid.

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Lawsuit News Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Bristol PA

What you should know about pursuing a personal injury lawsuit

Each year, more than 2 million people are injured in car accidents in the United States. About 40,000 people are killed in auto accidents every year. Tragic accidents happen in communities big and small throughout the country, including Bristol Township, in Bucks County. If you or a loved one was injured due to someone’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. You may need to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in Bristol Township, Pennsylvania. For more information, contact a lawyer at Flager & Yockey. We provide aggressive representation for people injured in Bristol and elsewhere in Pennsylvania. Call 1-888-470-1099 or (215) 953-5200 to talk to a car accident lawyer for Bristol today.

Many people who are injured by defective products or in truck accidents in Bristol may face debilitating injuries. They may find the insurance companies are low-balling or denying a claim. They may realize they need to file a personal injury lawsuit in Bristol, but don’t know where to begin.
Steps in filing an accident claim in Bristol See: Lawyers Bristol PA

News Defective Children’s Products and Dangerous Toys Can Cause Child Injuries

When our child has a birthday, family members and friends always have the best intentions when they bring a gift for occasion. Unfortunately, though, parents can’t be too careful about safety and must examine anything given to the birthday boy or girl, before the child is allowed to play with it, right down to the packaging.

Dangerous children’s products have the potential to cause serious child injury, even wrongful death, whether it’s something they’ll play with at home or if it’s for a favorite sport or other outdoor activity. It’s hard to imagine that a present as seemingly harmless as a doll, a board game, building blocks, miniature cars, or even art supplies could be dangerous toys but, depending on where an item was made, the materials involved and how it was packaged, even the most basic of kids’ playthings can pose a risk to youngsters. See personal injury lawyer corpus Christi

In some cases, there may be toy choking hazards, such as when small parts can be pulled off of a doll, toy car, toy truck, dress up costumes, toy musical instruments or toy construction sets. Other toy choking dangers include small board game pieces, puzzle pieces, girls’ jewelry, crayons, pen caps and marbles. With kids, there is almost no limit to the ways they could be injured by a defective children’s product, and San Antonio, Texas personal injury lawyers, Herrera Law Firm, see every type of child toy injury.

Even children’s products designed to keep kids safe may actually injure them, including bicycle helmets, booster seats, car seats, playpens, safety gates and pool floatation devices. Likewise, practical basics such as cribs, strollers and high chairs can pose dangers such as defective straps, buckles, latches, wheels or trays.

Standard playground equipment, especially things like climbing gyms and trampolines, can result in fractures, broken bones, slip and fall accidents or, in the case of a severe defective toy injury, traumatic brain injury.

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