Category Archives: lawsuit

Chapter 11 Help Why Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer in North Carolina

You’ve worked hard all your life and done everything you can to save and provide for your family. Then you lost your job. Or maybe you were in an accident or suffered a serious illness that kept you in the hospital and racked up medical bills. Maybe you’re just like millions of other Americans and got in over your head… (more…)

Offshore drilling in Gulf of Mexico resumes in deep ocean wells

Nearly two years after the worst oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore drilling is thriving in the region. That’s because many oil companies are digging deeper for oil in the Gulf of Mexico than ever before. Most of these new wells tap into oil more than 2,000 feet below the surface. In one instance, a new deepwater well… (more…)

Car safety seat laws often ignored in carpools in New Mexico?

What would you do if your child was injured in a car accident while riding in someone else’s car on the way to preschool in New Mexico? Sound far-fetched? Sadly, many adults fail to use booster seats for children when carpooling in New Mexico and elsewhere. A recent nationwide study found that 76 percent of 681 parents of children 4… (more…)

When It Comes To Legal Websites Microsites Less Is More-A Lot More

We touched on microsites in our Managed Sites post and sparked a flurry of questions. Attorneys are understandably confused because there’s an entire industry devoted to selling keyword-rich URL’s to law firms-along with the idea that adding more and more content is the goal. But that’s basically b.s., so buck up and prepare to let go of everything you’ve been… (more…)

Law Wire News Seven simple rules to curb car crashes in California nationwide

Auto accidents caused by drivers 15 to 20 years old killed 5,623 people nationwide in 2009. Now, imagine if 2,014 lives could be saved across the country every year. Sound far fetched? It’s not as hard as you might think. All states have to do is adopt seven simple rules for teenage drivers, according to the National Safety Council. Auto… (more…)

Worker Compensation NC North Carolina Sees Rise in Workplace Deaths

Workers should be able to expect a safe working environment. Yet everyday, workers across North Carolina are seriously injured or even killed on the job. Last year, despite the availability of safety and health training programs designed to avoid these tragedies, North Carolina actually saw a rise in the number of workplace fatalities See: Workers Comp In North Carolina. The… (more…)

Legal News New Laws on Texting While Driving Will Likely Affect West Virginia

It used to be that applying make-up or slurping coffee from a commuter mug were most common reasons drivers got distracted while behind the wheel. Now, with the number of car accidents going up every year, there is a far more deadly reason people are being distracted: Driving While Texting. The state of being distracted by texting even has a… (more…)

Big Pharma has paid big money to resolve big government investigations March 06 12

Another batch of sales reps has sued Novo Nordisk ($NVO) for overtime. The would-be class action suit, which was filed by two reps, is seeking $70 million in overtime pay. Like so many other lawsuits–pending and otherwise–this one alleges a drugmaker misclassified its reps as exempt salaried workers when they should have been eligible for overtime. As Reuters reports, it’s… (more…)

Gaining the best disability lawyers Helps A Claim

The work of the disability lawyers would only be to ensure that you do get your due from the negligent party, When you do go for the social security disabilities lawyers than you should know that they cannot guarantee that you would be getting the benefits but they would help you to make an able case in front of the… (more…)

Law Wire News Why Are So Many Attorneys Wanna-Be Web Gurus? 1 3 3

Get this: Only about 1 in 20 law firms have their websites professionally managed. The other 95% have a site built, then decide they’ll somehow make it searchable but they have no clue what they’re doing, so their big investment starts collecting cyber dust like a box of brochures on a shelf. See: