Brain Injury Case Forms of health-related difficulties associated with brain injury

Traumatic mind injuries (TBI), which are one of the most damaging types of injuries, frequently permanently impact a person’s life as well as the individuals family lives. The mind injury could be the results of an auto accident, the truck accident, motorbike automobile accident or other kind of targeted traffic event, but individuals may endure a TBI as a result… (more…)

Law NewsNew Sex Abuse Suit Claims Sandusky Threatened Boy’s Family If He Told

Attorneys representing a 29-year-old man says he was abused from 1992 to 1994 by Sandusky during a press conference, Nov. 30, 2011. The latest person to accuse former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky of sexual abuse also claims that Sandusky threatened to hurt the boy’s family if he ever told anyone about the abuse. Sandusky’s newest accuser, who is now… (more…)

Injured by a texting driver in Atlanta, Ga? We can help!

Georgia is one of 34 states nationwide that bans people from texting while driving. Distracted driving kills and injuries thousands of people nationwide every year. Even so, many people continue to text and drive because they think they can do both safely at the same time. Think again. A recent study revealed some startling information about the effects of texting… (more…)

Breaking Legal News First lawsuit filed against Penn State coach in sex scandal

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A new accuser against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky said Sandusky sexually abused him “over 100 times” as a child. The handwritten statement by a man, now 29, identified only as “John Doe A” accompanied a lawsuit filed on Wednesday in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court against Sandusky, Penn State University and The Second Mile,… (more…)

News Track Personal Injury Lawyer Reflects On Pedestrian Death Study in WV

Nearly anyone who heads out for a walk on a regular basis likely keeps an eye out for drivers who may be distracted or operating recklessly. If you’re on foot in November, your risk of getting killed is far greater than at other times of the year, according to a study released by two Carnegie Mellon University researchers. The researchers… (more…)

Reblog Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi Occupy Wall Street UC Davis

18 November 2011 Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi Linda P.B. Katehi, I am a junior faculty member at UC Davis. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, and I teach in the Program in Critical Theory and in Science & Technology Studies. I have a strong record of research, teaching, and service. I am currently… (more…)

Texting drivers put people at risk in North Carolina, study finds

North Carolina prohibits people from texting while driving. The state also bans school bus drivers from using a cell phone while driving in an effort to keep North Carolina’s roads safe. Even so, some people still text and drive at the same time. Many people think they can handle doing both things at the same time. Think again. A recent… (more…)

MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Occupy

Before I start I want to state this is my opinion only I am not a lawyer. However, I have been following the Occupy Wall Street Protesters for some time. Lots of protestors are college students who graduated with the promise of a job, but now NOTHING but thousands of dollars of debt. I have come to the conclusion the… (more…)

Researchers conclude that women face bigger risk of injury in car wrecks Bakersfield

A new study finds that women are more likely than men to be injured in a car accident. According to the report, females face a greater risk of car accident injury possibly because cars lack safety features tailored to women. The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), relied on national traffic accident statistics from 1998 to… (more…)

Just how an injury attorney will help Fort Worth tuck accident survivors

If you or a loved one was injured due to someone else’s reckless behavior, contact a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. A car accident in Fort Worth see: Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer can destroy your life in seconds. If you lost a loved one, you may need assistance in filing a wrongful death claim. Rely on an experienced attorney who… (more…)