Bakersfield and LA Traffic Safety Study Los Angeles News Update

A new study, however, indicates that teenage girls are engaging in risky driving habits. Young women, in fact, were around twice as likely as young men to use electronic devices while driving, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The study also determined that females were 10 percent more likely to be observed engaging in other distracted driver behaviors,… (more…)

Funny-Springfield police arrest 41-year-old Eric Northrop after he allegedly used sledgehammer to break down ex-girlfriends door 1217

SPRINGFIELD Mass Live – A 41-year-old city man, who apparently named the sledgehammer that he uses for work after a prominent personal injury lawyer, allegedly used it to break down the door of an ex-girlfriend’s Windsor Street home early Wednesday and threaten her, police said. The woman and another occupant of the home escaped injury after they barricaded a hallway… (more…)

NC News Groups Support Proposed Legislation to Overhaul System Used to Review Workers Compensation Settlements for Medicare

The American Insurance Association and the Coalition for Medicare Secondary Payer reform both announced their support for the Medicare Secondary Payer and Workers’ Compensation Settlement Agreements Act of 2012, introduced last week by Representatives Dave Reichart (R-Wa.) and Mike Thompson (D-Ca.). The legislation is aimed at resolving the delays in the review of workers’ compensation set-asides for Medicare. A Medicare… (more…)

LawWireNew Dozens of Teen Worker Fatalities Thousands of Youth Job Injuries Annually Says Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyer Mark E Salomone

A new study examining the safety of young workers in the United States has yielded startling findings, says Massachusetts personal injury attorney Mark E. Salomone . According to statistics that appeared in HealthDay News, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health found that approximately 20,000 teen job-related injuries occurred in 2010, including 88 teen deaths due to workplace injuries… (more…)

Texas Car Crash Victims Who Develop RSD or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Have Chronic Pain

Not all injuries are visible, but sometimes the most devastating conditions are only evident to the sufferer. Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, internal organ injuries-they are all felt by the person suffering, but with little external evidence to others of any extreme pain within. One such injury is a lesser known yet often excruciating condition that… (more…)

News New Safety Testing Reveals Women and Children May Be at Greater Risk of Injury or Death in a Car Accident

Women often spend a lot of time driving their children to and from school, extracurricular activities like sports, and family activities. Because they spend so much time on the road with such precious cargo, women often choose vehicles based on their safety rating and other perceived safety features. Yet new vehicle ratings reveal that safety information had been skewed for… (more…)

Don’t Be a Hero on the Job: Report Workplace Injury to Your West Virginia Boss Immediately

It can be hard to admit when you’ve been injured at work, particularly if it’s a slow-developing injury or one that’s not too common. Injuries that are clearly very serious-such as a spinal cord injury or fall from a ladder broken back on a construction site job, brain injury from a company car accident or a bad burn from a… (more…)

News Texas Dangerous Drugs That Are Generic Make Malpractice Lawsuit Unlikely to Succeed San Antonio

When generic drugs first became available in the 1980s, patients everywhere celebrated due to the drastically lower prices. What consumers didn’t know was that, in choosing generic drugs over brand name versions, they were giving up their right to receive damages should they suffer from injuries due to ingesting generic drugs. According to a recent article in the New York… (more…)

Video Frank Herrera Attorneys At Law The Herrera Law firm

Categories- Personal Injury Attorneys, Medical Malpractice, Car Accident Lawyer Herrera Law Firm 111 Soledad Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 224-1054 ?

Legal Feed W Va Woman Fights to Collect $10 Million from Debt Collectors – C

Source : ABC News It is illegal for debt collectors to make empty threats about serving people with a lawsuit or seizing their home. And it was especially galling to Mey, who says she is debt-free. “They threatened to take legal action against our property and it wasn’t even our debt,” Mey said. Millions of Americans are victims of this… (more…)