What Happens If I Hit Someone in a Car Car and I Don’t Have Enough Insurance? – Blog 753


If you cause an auto accident, you could face both criminal and civil actions. A civil action is a lawsuit brought by an injured victim or by surviving family members of a victim killed in the crash to recover monetary compensation.

Injured victims can incur significant medical expenses in an accident. The Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association reported in 2008 that AAA estimates a traffic death has a per-person cost of $3.2 million while injured victims had a per-person cost of $68,170.

At the Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone, our Massachusetts uninsured accident lawyers serving Boston, Springfield, Worcester and all of the Bay State know if you have only the minimum Massachusetts required coverage of $20,000 per person bodily injury and $40,000 per accident liability coverage, you could end up faced with significant personal liability because this is not enough insurance to compensation those badly injured when you cause an accident.

You Are At Risk With Not Enough Insurance

Your insurance company has an obligation to represent you when you are sued after an accident and to try to settle the case or resolve the claim within the limits of policy coverage.

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UnderInsured Motorist

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