Find out how an attorney can impact your Social Security Disability claim

Find out how an attorney can impact your Social Security Disability claim

In December of 2012, a record number of people signed up for Social Security Disability benefits. More people are on disability benefits now than ever before and Investors Business Daily reports that a sluggish economy means many more will continue to apply for benefits.

Our Las Vegas Social Security Disability lawyer are concerned that the high number of applicants for benefits is likely to result in longer waits for people who are making a claim to obtain disability benefits. We urge everyone applying for benefits to ensure that his or her application is thoroughly and correctly completed in order to avoid increasing any delays even further, and we suggest that those applying for benefits consult with a professional in order to try to keep the process moving as quickly as possible.

Record Applications Can Lead to Longer Delays

There are many possible explanations for why more people than ever before are applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Investors Business Daily indicates that the problem stems from persistently high unemployment and slow economic recovery in the United States. When there are fewer jobs available for the population as a whole, the disabled – like everyone else – are going to have a more difficult time finding gainful employment. A disabled person who might have been able to do some type of job may now not be able to find any work and may be more inclined to apply for disability benefits.

Another possible reasons for an increase in disability benefits is, of course, the aging of the population and the fact that the baby boomers are getting older. It is natural that as a larger percentage of the population ages, there will be more people who have not yet reached retirement age but who are facing a disabling medical condition that makes work impossible.

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