Save 2,000 lives each year in auto accidents. Get the facts, Pennsylvania

Fatal auto accidents happen fast, especially car crashes involving teenagers. But what if there was a way to save lives? What if something could be done to save 66 lives in Ohio, 34 in Pennsylvania and 21 in West Virginia each year? Sound far fetched? It’s not as difficult as you might think. According to the National Safety Council, if each state adopted seven simple rules for teenage drivers, they could save that many lives each year in all three states. Nationwide, such rule changes would result in more than 2,000 lives saved every year.

Auto accidents caused by teenage drivers happen far too often. Sometimes, they’re not paying attention. Or they’re driving too fast. They may even be using a cell phone. Whatever the reason, you shouldn’t have to suffer. You deserve an experienced West Virginia teen auto accident attorney on your side. You need Recht Law Offices. Serving clients in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, our lawyers have dedicated their careers to working with auto accident victims, including helping them to decide whether to file an auto accident lawsuit West Virginia.

Teenagers literally think differently. Increasing scientific evidence has found that teens’ brains are physically different from adults and still developing. That’s why teenagers often do things that make people think, “What were they thinking?”

That’s why the National Safety Council supports states adopting seven specific rules for teenage drivers aimed at reducing the number of auto accidents. These rules include states waiting until drivers are 16 years old to issue a learner’s permit and 16? years old to issue an intermediate license.

So many factors come into play in an auto accident. Knowing what to do can be extremely complicated. You can’t afford to take chances. Put your trust in a law firm that demands justice. Contact a West Virginia teen auto accident lawyer who will vigorously fight for your rights. Contact Recht Law Offices. We’re on your side.

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