Baltimore teenage drivers face high risks during summer of causing fatal crashes

Teenage drivers kill thousands of people every year. For every mile driven by an adult, a teenager driver 16 to 19 years old is four times more likely to get into a car accident, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And while any time of year can be dangerous on the road, teens are more likely to be involved in an auto accident in the summer. A recent study of accident statistics discovered that more deadly auto accidents involving teenage drivers happen between Memorial Day and Labor Day than any other time of year.

What would you do if you were injured in an accident caused by a teenager? How would you pay your medical bills? How would your family survive? You need an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer on your side. You need the Mike Slocumb Law Firm. Serving clients throughout Illinois, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Alabama, Atlanta and the rest of Georgia, our experienced Chicago car accident attorneys are renowned for their first-class service and precise attention to detail. We pour over the evidence and routinely consult with experts to build a rock-solid case for our clients. Put your trust in a Chicago personal injury lawyer who puts people first. Contact the Mike Slocumb Law Firm.

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