Chapter 11 Help Why Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer in North Carolina

You’ve worked hard all your life and done everything you can to save and provide for your family. Then you lost your job. Or maybe you were in an accident or suffered a serious illness that kept you in the hospital and racked up medical bills. Maybe you’re just like millions of other Americans and got in over your head with credit cards.

Working your way out of debt can seem overwhelming, but there are options available to you. Bankruptcy is one option that the government has provided to give consumers a fresh start and find some debt relief.

In the face of mounting debts and the possible repossession or your home or other assets, it may seem like hiring an attorney to file bankruptcy on your behalf is just one more expense that you can’t afford. However, hiring a bankruptcy lawyer may actually save you money in the long run.

The longer you wait to file bankruptcy, the more interest charges, late fees, and other penalties can accumulate. Even if you manage to pay off all of your debts and avoid filing bankruptcy, it may take you years and you may have paid off your debt several times over in additional fees.

An experienced North Carolina bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help you file your bankruptcy petition and help you receive a total discharge of unsecured debts (Chapter 7), or an extended repayment plan that reduces the interest rates and other fees that you would have paid (Chapter 13). Both options will save you money in the long run and allow you to start rebuilding your credit for a fresh start. Read The Full Story

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