Categories- Personal Injury Attorneys, Medical Malpractice, Car Accident Lawyer Herrera Law Firm 111 Soledad Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 224-1054 ?
Categories- Personal Injury Attorneys, Medical Malpractice, Car Accident Lawyer Herrera Law Firm 111 Soledad Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 224-1054 ?
Source : ABC News It is illegal for debt collectors to make empty threats about serving people with a lawsuit or seizing their home. And it was especially galling to Mey, who says she is debt-free. “They threatened to take legal action against our property and it wasn’t even our debt,” Mey said. Millions of Americans are victims of this… (more…)
The San Antonio personal injury lawyer at The Herrera Law Firm, Inc. urge drivers to keep an eye on motorcyclists, who are vulnerable to serious injuries in wrecks. The Texas Department of Transportation reports that 87 percent of motorcycle accidents result in injuries or death to the rider. People on motorcycles are five times more likely to sustain injuries and… (more…)
Last week, a truck driver who was walking on a highway entrance ramp while on the job was hit by another driver and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The truck driver, an Apex man, was delivering a replacement cab to a transport truck that had broken down near the Jones Sausage Road interchange with I-40. As he… (more…)
By LawWireNews Social media For Lawyers Imagine that you’re riding your motorcycle and approaching an intersection. You see a car heading toward your from the opposite direction. Suddenly, the driver turns left and into your right-of-way. You apply the brakes and put the bike down. The car drives off and you are seriously injured through no fault of your own.… (more…)
The National Safety Council, a leader in promoting Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) to reduce the number of crashes among teens, feels that it is important to regulate risky driving behavior and encourage the development of safe driving skills. In an aim to reduce the number of teen auto accidents, the NSC urges all states to adopt seven rules for teenage… (more…)
Drivers and passengers in cars have safety features in place such as airbags and seatbelts to protect them. Bikers typically have nothing but their clothing and a helmet between them and the pavement. Bikers are 300 percent more likely to sustain a motorcycle injury than someone inside of a car in a crash, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety… (more…)
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from clients is regarding how they should handle damage to their vehicle when they have been involved in a car accident. Typically, the at-fault insurance company should accept responsibility for paying for repairs for your vehicle or for paying the fair-market value of your car if it was totaled. See :… (more…)
What you should know about pursuing a personal injury lawsuit Each year, more than 2 million people are injured in car accidents in the United States. About 40,000 people are killed in auto accidents every year. Tragic accidents happen in communities big and small throughout the country, including Bristol Township, in Bucks County. If you or a loved one was… (more…)